*nobody speaks*
*me coughing, scratching head*
Of course, I'll be linking them to the weekly haul features I participate in, but on a monthly basis. And this may not be about books only. I may or may not include my 'other life' (outside blogging that is) rants if anything interesting happens. So, for the last time (not promising anything though), please bear with me...I know you will, as you people are just too kind and great ;) :D
From this post onwards, I'll be starting my monthly wrap up, and yes, I have decided to make it a 'Retrospection', because I like that particular word and it sounds cool to me XD In addition, I'll be including my yearly wrapping up in today's post. No more rants then. Let's move ahead.
I don't want to bore you people re-capping the books I have reviewed or read because honestly, if you really want to know about the books I've read in 2013, all you have to do is to check my goodreads 2013 reading challenge widget (at the bottom left corner), or you can go to my booklikes page as well.

Sadly enough, I didn't go visiting any special place this year. One of the main reasons is my final year studies; it's not like I'm way too brilliant or anything, but I try to show a little sense of decency when it comes to these things. So even if spent most of my precious times daydreaming and reading books(obviously not academic ones), I like to pretend I haven't been to any interesting places because of my super seriousness for my studies :D Plus, first my mom and then I had come up with health issues so the whole staying at home happened. But I had gone to get some appliances fixed a few weeks ago and while returning, I saw a vendor selling corn fries (we use this term but I don't know what's it called in other places). It's Winter here in my country right now and these come in handy as snacks (with salt sprinkled on top), though I personally don't like it that much, but that doesn't stop other people from simply loving it! And also, if it counts for anything, I finally learned how to make a edible and yummilicious Caramel Pudding, now THAT I love, a LOT *dreamy eye*

There is a HUGE list for my favorite books this year. Some I could finish and the rest are still pending. And again, it was tough with all the academic pressure going on. But I must pick a few, my top 5 choices would probably include:
1. Cinder by Marissa Meyer
2. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
3. Rush Me by Allison Parr
4. The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller
5. City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
Aha! 2013 has been a movie year year for me, mostly because it's so easy to watch a movie! :p I used to study for an hour or a half at most (that's weekly mind you) and get damn tired, and then for 'refreshment' purpose I could watch a movie or two. I have the most generous and understanding mom of the world :D
So the movies I watched or re-watched:
Man of Steel
Do you even have to ask? I loved it! I love every Superman movie, even before I watch it (except for the veeeery old ones of course). Plus I couldn't decide who is hotter, the hero (Brandon Routh) from Superman Returns or the hero here (Henry Cavill)..hmmm, I guess Routh looks hotter in costume, while Cavill, well, Cavill looks hotter with or without clothes...ahem sorry, I meant with or without costume *blush*
Green Lantern
Don't know why the ratings are as low as 5.5 or 5.7, for me this movie is at the very least an 8. Well, because Ryan Reynolds is there! Are you kidding me? That guy is over-the-top cute! Like cuteness personified! Have you seen him making faces in his movies, be it GL or any other? You cannot not like that! Yeah , the movie was good according to me, because I've never read Green Lantern in my life, but along with the plot, Ryan's acting is what makes it super awesome (can you believe I was googling his pictures a while ago and for a moment I forgot about this writing?)
Despicable Me 2

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones
Uh oh...really, why did I watch this movie again? I see people criticizing Lily fo her acting too, but I feel she does a really good job with her acting compared to many other heroines of the industry. My main issue was Jace and the plot. I expected Jace to be more 'jace-like' (now THAT is a very useful comment Munira :p) and somehow Jamie didn't fit it. I mean, he seemed good as an actor, but just not meant for Jace. And the plot was moving super fast, so I felt like watching Da Vinci Code all over again, though I would that was even better than this.
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters
Meh. Disappointment. Reeeeally liked the first movie, and even before I could decide whether I like it enough or not, it was finished! How come it's of such short length? Or is it me taking it allw rong way? gah never mind.
Tom Cruise + Science Fiction/ Mystery and thriller/ Action / Romance/ Every freaking genre = a swooning me. My childhood crush *goes to flashback* ♥
Seriously, I never thought I'd DNF a Ryan Reynolds movie, ever. But with a heavy heart I confess, I could not bear to watch this, mostly because I didn't like his RIPD partner. His language literally gave me a headache and I had to stop. Why!?
17 again
No, really, the movie is good. I re-watched it for the 6-7th time maybe? I don't remember :)
Scary Movie 5
I've always loved parody movies. But compared to other SM, this one, for me, was a letdown. Most of the punches seemed forced and I had to compel myself to laugh because I had bought it using my hardcash :\
Among the shows, I was religiously following How I Met Your Mother and Once upon A Time and it's spinoff ~ in Wonderland, up until now. I'm thinking of giving it a break and then catch the re-runs or something. I really needed this break from these as I was getting seriously addicted @_@

There are too many to list actually...I got this beautiful Kindle Fire (mentioned later) from my brother and being the kind of awesomest brother he is, he had pre-loaded it with more than hundreds of books, and most of them are latest, and I've got some ground breaking classics as well! Can this year get any better ^.^ Some of the authors I've got are Aimee Carter, Ally Condie, Alyson Noel, Amber Argyle, Jennifer L. Armentrout, Heather Blackwood, Alexandra Bracken, Emily Bronte, Gail Carriger, B.C. Chrestians, Tara Conklin, Dave Eggers, Sef Daystrom, Diana Gabaldon, Charles Dickens, Lola Dodge, Donna Tartt, Eben Alexander, George Eliot, Elizabeth Gilbert. Gillian Flynn, John Green, Helene Wecker, Victor Hugo, Jessica Brockmole, M. L. Stedman, Neil Gaiman, Veronica Roth, Veronica Rossi, Sarah J Maas...wheww! Most of their books come in complete series(or series published so far) and that's just half of what I've got! I think I may have to create my own own reading challenge or something to finish off the list lol..but really, I feel those beautiful covers have already made my year :D

Okay so what did I get this whole year? I can't seem to recall (so ungrateful of me)..but yes, the most recent one has been from my brother, who had sent me Kindle Fire HD, mostly because he appreciates my reading habit (he himself is a bookworm but he is into more 'serious' books, as he call it :p). I think I had been so happy that I forgot to be happy on receiving probably one of the most expensive and precious gifts of my life. I still am not sure whether I'm happy or not (really Munira, how evil can somebody get?)
I had kept it packed till now, as I wanted to start using it with the beginning of a new year. So my January tbr list books have found their cozy and wonderful home I guess :D
So, how was your year? Been to anywhere interesting? Any favorite book? Movies or shows, perhaps? Anything you feel like worth sharing? Feel free to let me know, seriously! I would love to know how 2013 had been for you :D:D