My darling, sweetheart laptop had broken down 3-4 days ago all of a sudden, leaving me in a pool of sadness and heartbreak :( So after I was able to get my laptop fixed last night, the second thing I did on the net was to catch up on what I have missed this while. This is when I came across Vicky's post at Books, Biscuits and Tea mentioning that mentioned the upcoming readathon she's going to participate in. I browsed some more and decided to hop on myself as well!
It's the first End of the Year Read-a-thon hosted by Juliababyjen’s Reading Room and Dana Square. The read-a-thon runs from 9th December 2013 to 22nd December 2013.
Why should you participate?
1. To chisel off some of your TBR pile.
2. Do all the fun challenges and win some prizes.
3. Encourage others to read like a speed demon (and yourself) + reading with others is loads of fun.
So let's get in our last books of 2013 together in the #ReadingCram !
I have my own goals for reading in this readathons as well...so I might update this post soon or post a separate #ReadingCram post for that! And also, I am glad to be hosting on my blog the December 18th Segment- Post a Review Challenge--leave a link to any review you posted for a book read in 2013. So it's a double treat for me :D
What are you waiting for? Come join the fun!! :D

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