Book Title: This Girl (Slammed #3)
Author: Colleen Hoover
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance, Chick-Lit
Publication Date: April 30th 2013
by Atria Books
Edition Language: English
Author: Colleen Hoover
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance, Chick-Lit
Publication Date: April 30th 2013
by Atria Books
Edition Language: English

There are two sides to every love story. Now hear Will’s.
Colleen Hoover’s New York Times bestselling Slammed series has brought countless readers to their knees with a whirlwind of love, passion, and heartache.
Layken and Will’s love has managed to withstand the toughest of circumstances and the young lovers, now married, are beginning to feel safe and secure in their union. As much as Layken relishes their new life together, she finds herself wanting to know everything there is to know about her husband, even though Will makes it clear he prefers to keep the painful memories of the past where they belong. Still, he can’t resist his wife’s pleas and so he begins to untangle his side of the story, revealing for the first time his most intimate feelings and thoughts, retelling both the good and bad moments, and sharing a few shocking confessions of his own from the time when they first met.
In This Girl, Will tells the story of their complicated relationship from his point of view. Their future rests on how well they deal with the past in this final installment of the beloved Slammed series.
My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
My Review:
You're allowed to smack me in the head if you wish, for saying this. But I didn't know it was a part of a series (Erm, how is that even possible?) Really, I don't know, at all. I had received the book via NG while going crazy with the 'Request' button and ended up getting this one. I know this sounds so unprofessional and insensitive and if you know me, then you'd tell it's even so un-Munira-ish. I know I'm guilty, okay? I just couldn't resist that beautiful cover (yeah I didn't even read the full blurb, come kill me), even though my blissful nearsightedness skipped the 'The Slammed Series, Book 3' RIGHT under the title (I'm such a dork).
Because of my extraordinary merit :p I started realizing that there might have been earlier books in the same series only after I had finished up to like, two-third of the book. I couldn't stop reading it at THAT point, not only because it wasn't possible for me to get the earlier books, but also majorly because I couldn't bear resisting myself from the awesome-blossom story of Layken and Will at that moment.
You're allowed to smack me in the head if you wish, for saying this. But I didn't know it was a part of a series (Erm, how is that even possible?) Really, I don't know, at all. I had received the book via NG while going crazy with the 'Request' button and ended up getting this one. I know this sounds so unprofessional and insensitive and if you know me, then you'd tell it's even so un-Munira-ish. I know I'm guilty, okay? I just couldn't resist that beautiful cover (yeah I didn't even read the full blurb, come kill me), even though my blissful nearsightedness skipped the 'The Slammed Series, Book 3' RIGHT under the title (I'm such a dork).
Because of my extraordinary merit :p I started realizing that there might have been earlier books in the same series only after I had finished up to like, two-third of the book. I couldn't stop reading it at THAT point, not only because it wasn't possible for me to get the earlier books, but also majorly because I couldn't bear resisting myself from the awesome-blossom story of Layken and Will at that moment.
Those who have this book on their tbr pile, I strongly suggest you go get the former two books. Like I BEG YOU. GO. GET IT. Because if you don't, then you'd end up regretting why you had not read them in the first place. The third book is so so so wonderful, I just wondered how come I had never heard of the earlier books! Gosh, it would have made me get the story more deeply and would have ended my review on a 5 star category. Now, if you don't have or can't get the former books and think having the third book is of no use, then I would say NO. READ IT. Forget the other two. Just read the freaking book! It is so beautiful no one should miss it, even if you haven't read the first two:') Plus, if you think you are missing some things at certain points of the story, let the imagination of the mushy gushy romantic person within you run wild (like me:D)
I lie back on my pillow and think back to that day. The day that I fell for my wife.
Layken (I like it more than her short name so going to use it for now), to nobody's surprise, is 'This Girl' of Will. While in the former two books (thanks to those wonderful reviews and spoilers by others for which I got the idea) you see more Layken, her way of things, this book deals with everything Will. This is one of the reasons why the book is so different. You'd see a number of books on the same kind of theme and plot, but it's very rare to see one having the guy's point of view. And therefore, my review may have more Will than Layken, so never mind that. But if you've read the book, you know it's inevitable. A guy like Will, you seriously can not not love it. I mean, look at him, he is so cute, romantic, loving and heartbreakingly sweet. Oh, and pardon me if I'm using wrong analogies anywhere within my review because I suck at romance (I'm more of 'hearts-and-chocolates-are-not-my-thing' type of a person). But to put it simply, Will is almost everything that any sweet and simple, nice and lovely girl would want in her life, a guy who would hold your hands in the darkness, a guy who would even sing lullabies to put you to sleep, who would cherish every moment when you have given him his life's best gift:
I held this girl in my armsShe wrapped her tiny fingers around mine.It was then that I realized.She was the fusion.The glue.The cement that bound all my pieces together.The piece that seals my puzzle.The piece that completes my life.The element that makes me who I am.Who I was.Who I'll one day be.You, baby girl.You're my final piece.
Contrary to popular beliefs (that literature students love poetry and Shakespeare), I've always hated poetry (well except for 2-3 rockstar poets like Blake or Frost or Keats B)). But when Will uttered those lines...they were like a honey coated knife in my love-ridden heart (whoa is that me speaking?) In one read, it may seem pretty simple to you. But just to measure the feelings behind the poem and you'll understand what I mean. These words are pretty ordinary and yet, sound so special when spoken with love; for his new love, who is the beautiful creation out of the love of his and his 'this girl'.
One of the best things about Will is the part that he considers himself lucky to have finally have his happy ending with Layken. In most of the stories, the heroes seem to fall madly in love with the girl, and seems to be ready to set the whole universe on fire just for her sake and all. But still, it kind of shows how much he loves her, it seems to be all about him and his feelings. But Will's top priority seems to be Layken in that case. He considers himself fortunate that he got her love.
One of the best things about Will is the part that he considers himself lucky to have finally have his happy ending with Layken. In most of the stories, the heroes seem to fall madly in love with the girl, and seems to be ready to set the whole universe on fire just for her sake and all. But still, it kind of shows how much he loves her, it seems to be all about him and his feelings. But Will's top priority seems to be Layken in that case. He considers himself fortunate that he got her love.
My eyes drop to the table in front of me when she finishes.Her words are sinking in.
A boy that I'm seriously, deeply, madly, incredibly, and undeniably in love with.
In love with? That's what she said.
In love with. As in present tense.
She loves me. Layken Cohen loves me.”
Have you heard any guy from a book feel that way? Like he is honored to have been loved by Layken. Like Layken having confessed her feelings for him has finally made his day, his life, his whole freaking existence *attempting a sob*
We need to be together. We have to be together. If I don't stop her from walking away right now, I'll regret it for the rest of my life.
These are just glimpses of the whole scenario. Throughout the whole book, if you are a hardcore romantic person, some instances can even make you cry (saying this because one of my friends was actually almost flooding my room while reading it)
“You want to know my sweet?" I ask her.She nods.I kiss her on the forehead. "You. Always you.”
Among the other, I loved the two kids. Will being the protective guardian of the only person he can call family. And there's Layken's brother, Kel. Both were fun bits to read about throughout the book.
“My sweet is that me and Kel are finally brothers. My suck is that I now know what Will and Layken did during their honeymoon.”
I know too *wink* But I'm considering that as my sweet.
Coming to which, I loved the games. I mean, I got three major game ideas
(two, actually, because I'm used to playing my version of 'Would you
rather' since childhood) that are fun and I can actually play, no matter how grown up I am:D
Then there's Julia. I didn't like her that much in the beginning, but she's a lovely person (maybe mostly because she approved of Will?)
“Oh my God!" Julia yells. "Are you kidding me, Will? Don't help her put her clothes back on! I'm standing right here!"What the hell am I thinking?”
Overall, it's a sweet, sweeter (or probably one of the sweeeetest) love story you'd never want to miss, if you're a sucker for romance. The book is so beautifully written that I had read the book thinking it to be a standalone one and yet ended up giving 4.5! How great is that! So series or no series, I would recommend it to everyone who would like to laugh, to bite their nails out of anticipation and anxiety, be sad and heartbroken and finally flip through the last pages with a sense of fulfillment. Oh and if you are a romance-killing zombie like me, you can still find a line or two to propose that girl or that boy of yours (until it becomes a cliche).
“I want to be your soulmate, even if I don't believe in them.”